LivinGreen – Hydroponics & Aquaponics


Maintenance and Fertilizing Kit for Hydroponic Systems

 393.00  354.00

  • USD: 96.34$

A kit containing all the gauges and fertilizers required for hydroponic system maintenance.

In order to maintain your system and provide ideal conditions for your plants, the solution must be balanced in terms of EC and pH.

The maintenance and fertilizing kit for hydroponics is complementary to purchasing a hydroponic system, and provides the grower with the ability to maximize their crops by using the gauges provided and balancing the measures accordingly.

Discount available at online purchase only


The kit includes:

Digital AP-2 EC meter

pH testing kit for hydroponic systems

Liquid fertilizer for hydroponic systems – 5L

pH Down – acidity reducer 1L


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AP-2 EC meter. In order to extend shelf-life, please read carefully manufacturer’s directions for use and attached maintenance instructions prior to use.


Additional information

Weight 7 kg
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